
RSSHub provides a painless deployment process if you are equipped with basic programming knowledge, you may open an issue if you believe you have encountered a problem not listed here, the community will try to sort it out asap.

The deployment may involve the followings:

  1. Command line interface
  2. Git
  3. Node.js
  4. npm or yarn

Deploy for public access may require:

  1. Nginx
  2. Docker or docker-compose
  3. Redis
  4. Heroku
  5. Google App Engine

Manual Deployment

Manually deploy a new RSSHub instance to a location of your choice.

Download RSSHub

Execute the following commands to download the source code

$ git clone
$ cd RSSHub

Execute the following commands to install dependencies

Using npm

$ npm install

Or yarn

$ yarn


Under RSSHub's root directory, execute the following commands to launch

$ npm start


$ yarn start

Visit, and enjoy it! ✅


Refer to our Guide for usage. Replace with http://localhost:1200 in any route example to see the effect.


Under RSSHub's directory, execute the following commands to pull the latest source code for RSSHub

$ git pull


RSSHub reads its configurations from lib/config.js or system environment variables.

Create a .env file in the root directory of your project. Add environment-specific variables on new lines in the form of NAME=VALUE. For example:


Please notice that it will not override already existed environment variables, more rules please refer to dotenv

To configure more options please refer to Configuration.

Use Redis for caching

By default, RSSHub caches everything for 5 minutes in RAM. Redis support is built-in.


Unless you are expecting high traffic or deploying in cluster-mode, Redis is not necessary.

Change CACHE_TYPE to redis, RSSHub will try to connect to redis://localhost:6379/. For changing the target address, please refer to Configuration.

Docker Deployment

Execute the following command to pull RSSHub's docker image.

$ docker pull diygod/rsshub

Start a RSSHub container

$ docker run -d --name rsshub -p 1200:1200 diygod/rsshub

Visit, and enjoy it! ✅

Execute the following command to stop RSSHub.

$ docker stop rsshub


The simplest way to configure RSSHub container is via system environment variables.

For example, adding -e CACHE_EXPIRE=3600 will set the cache time to 1 hour.

$ docker run -d --name rsshub -p 1200:1200 -e CACHE_EXPIRE=3600 -e GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=example diygod/rsshub

To configure more options please refer to Configuration.

docker-compose Deployment

  1. Create a docker volume to persist Redis caches
$ docker volume create redis-data
  1. Copy lib/config.js to lib/config/config.js, to avoid conflicts with master branch. Git will ignore this file as it contains sensitive information.

  2. Change environment section in docker-compose.yml to configure the corresponding option

    • PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD=1 skips puppeteer Chromium installation. Default to 1, requires puppeteerWSEndpoint in lib/config.js to be set with a remote Chrome Websocket address, otherwise relevant routes will not work.
    • USE_CHINA_NPM_REGISTRY=1 avoids GFW npm registry interference in mainland China. Default to 0.
  3. Deploy

$ docker-compose up -d
  1. Update
$ git pull
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d

Heroku Deployment


Google App Engine(GAE) Deployment

Before You Begin

Follow the official guide for completing your GCP account settings, creating a new Node project, adding billing information (required), installing git and initializing gcloud(link). Node.js is not required if you don't plan to debug RSSHub locally.

Please note, GAE free tier doesn't support Flexible Environment, please check the pricing plan prior to deployment.

Node.js standard environment is still under beta, unknown or unexpected errors might be encountered during the deployment.


Execute git clone to pull the latest code

app.yaml Settings

Deploy to Flexible Environment

Under RSSHub's root directory, create a file app.yaml with the following content:

# [START app_yaml]
runtime: custom
env: flex

# This sample incurs costs to run on the App Engine flexible environment.
# The settings below are to reduce costs during testing and are not appropriate
# for production use. For more information, see:
    instances: 1
# app engine resources, adjust to suit your needs, the required disk space is 10 GB
    cpu: 1
    memory_gb: 0.5
    disk_size_gb: 10
        - 80:1200
        - 443:1200
# environment variables section, refer to Settings
    CACHE_EXPIRE: '300'
# [END app_yaml]

Deploy to standard environment

Under RSSHub's root directory, create a file app.yaml with the following content:

# [START app_yaml]
runtime: nodejs8

        - 80:1200
        - 443:1200
# environment variables section, refer to Settings
    CACHE_EXPIRE: '300'
# [END app_yaml]


Under RSSHub's root directory, execute the following commands to launch RSSHub

gcloud app deploy

For changing the deployment project id or version id, please refer to Deploying a service section here.

You can access your Google App Engine URL to check the deployment status


Application Configurations

RSSHub reads its configurations from lib/config.js or environment variables.


Use environment variables is recommended to avoid conflicts during upgrade.

PORT: listening port, default to 1200

SOCKET: listening Unix Socket, default to null

CACHE_TYPE: cache type, memory or redis, empty this value will disable caching, default to memory

CACHE_EXPIRE: route cache expiry time in seconds, default to 5 * 60

CACHE_CONTENT_EXPIRE: content cache expiry time in seconds, it will be recalculated when it is accessed, default to 1 * 60 * 60

LISTEN_INADDR_ANY: open up for external access, default to 1

REQUEST_RETRY: retries allowed for failed requests, default to 2

DEBUG_INFO: display route information on homepage for debugging purpose, default to true

TITLE_LENGTH_LIMIT: limit the length of feed title generated in bytes, an English alphabet counts as 1 byte, the rest such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Arabic counts as 2 bytes by design, default to 100

REDIS_URL: Redis target address(invalid when CACHE_TYPE is set to memory), default to redis://localhost:6379/

REDIS_PASSWORD: Redis password(invalid when CACHE_TYPE is set to memory)

HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_NAME: Http basic authentication username, default to usernam3, please change asap

HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_PASS: Http basic authentication password, default to passw0rd, please change asap

LOGGER_LEVEL: specifies the maximum level of messages to the console and log file, default to info

PROXY_PROTOCOL: Using proxy, Supports socks, http, https

PROXY_HOST: host or IP of the proxy

PROXY_PORT: port of the proxy

PROXY_AUTH: credentials to authenticate a user agent to proxy server, Proxy-Authorization: Basic ${process.env.PROXY_AUTH}

PROXY_URL_REGEX: regex for url of enabling proxy, default to .*

NODE_NAME: node name, used for load balancing, identify current node

PUPPETEER_WS_ENDPOINT: Browser websocket endpoint which can be used as an argument to puppeteer.connect, refer to browserWSEndpoint

SENTRY: Sentry dsn, used for error tracking

User Authentication

Routes in protected_route.js will be protected using HTTP Basic Authentication.

When adding feeds using RSS readers with HTTP Basic Authentication support, authentication information is required, eg:http://usernam3:passw0rd@localhost:1200/protected/rsshub/rss.

Route-specific Configurations

  • pixiv: Registration

    • PIXIV_USERNAME: Pixiv username

    • PIXIV_PASSWORD: Pixiv password

  • disqus: API Key application

    • DISQUS_API_KEY: Disqus API
  • twitter: Application creation

    • TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY: Twitter Consumer Key, support multiple keys, split them with ,

    • TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET: Twitter Consumer Secret, support multiple keys, split them with ,

    • TWITTER_TOKEN_{id}: Twitter token's corresponding id, replace {id} with the id, the value is a combination of consumer_key consumer_secret access_token access_token_secret by a comma ,. Eg. {consumer_key},{consumer_secret},{access_token},{access_token_secret}.

  • youtube: API Key application

    • YOUTUBE_KEY: YouTube API Key
  • telegram: Bot application

    • TELEGRAM_TOKEN: Telegram bot token
  • github: Access Token application

    • GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN: GitHub Access Token
  • mail:

    • EMAIL_CONFIG_{email}: Mail setting, replace {email} with the email account, replace @ in email account with ., eg. the value is in the format of password=password&host=server&port=port, eg. password=123456&

Access Control

Access control includes a whitelist and a blacklist, which is configured via middleware/access-control.js or environment variables.

Support IP and Route, use , as the delimiter to separate multiple values. When both are defined, values in BLACKLIST will be disregarded.

  • BLACKLIST: the blacklist

  • WHITELIST: the blacklist. When set, values in BLACKLIST are disregarded.